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Short Bio
Writing for and about children is something Karen Miller is truly passionate about. Turning everyday calamities and mishaps into humor inspired Karen Miller to write stories for the Chicago Tribune and special interest magazines. Funny stories of her family, edited and embellished, have appeared in several children’s magazines. Her children’s interest in Nature sparked nonfiction pieces in magazines like National Geographic World.
A former school teacher and bookseller, Karen has never strayed far from her childhood love of books. Currently Karen is a tutor for the Yancey County Literacy Council, a member of the Author’s Guild, American Library Association, National Council of Teachers of English, Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and the North Carolina Writer’s Network.
She served as the Children’s Literature Coordinator for the Carolina Mountains Literary Festival (Burnsville, NC). She has also been a judge for the Writer’s Digest Annual Writing Contest (the self-published picture book category) and the Rebecca Caudhill Award (an award given by the children of Illinois for the best in Children’s Literature.)